The Sims 4 Career: Cubic’s Education Career
It focuses on the Logic skill mostly but the Administration track also has a bit of Charisma as you would need people skills to perform well in that career.
Unfortunately the Create-A-Career Tool is still new and does not feature chance cards/reward objects yet. If those are added in the future, I might update this mod to include them. For now, it acts as a standard career though. Every level has a full description. (hover over the education icon in the career panel) Some job descriptions were used from The Sims 3 and The Sims 2. The wages should be scaled right to match other careers in-game, but if you think anything should be changed please tell me! Also tell me if you find any bugs as this is my first mod.

This career mod is available in English and Spanish (Español). If anyone is interested in translating it, message me.
Special thanks to Razei for the Spanish translation.
Career Levels/Promotion Paths:
Also a note: I know of Neia’s Education Career mod, but I wanted to make my own career with different progression and career levels. If you think it’s too similar, Neia, then I’d be happy to take it down as it was made with your tool after all.
Unzip the file into your mods folder and be sure to enable script mods in your game’s options. (Game Options > Other)
Additional Credits:
Create-A-Career Tool by Neia
S4PE by Kuree
Razei for Spanish translation
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