The Sims 4 Career: Greeting Card Retail Merchandiser Career
Available for download at Mod The Sims
Greeting Card Retail Merchandiser 💌
3 Levels
1. Retail Merchandiser
$13/HR 10AM-3PM M T W TH
You are responsible for the card department in the many stores you’re responsible for in your territory. You’ll travel from store to store restocking the greeting card department and stationary sections. Holidays are going to be very busy! Make sure you keep everything neat, tidy, and most importantly, stocked!
2. Territory Supervisor
$18/HR 9AM-5PM M T W TH F
You’re not responsible for stocking card departments anymore, unless your retail merchandisers need help. And hey, it may come up – some stores get an overwhelming amount of greeting cards, gift wrap, and holiday product! You are responsible for every one of your retail merchandisers in your territory though. So that means you are in contact a lot with the Regional Supervisor and your merchandisers. Phone calls, texts, e-mails, and routine visits to all stores to make sure they are being serviced properly!
3. Regional Supervisor
$25/HR 8AM-4PM M T W TH F
You’ve got your own office at your territory’s headquarters and you’re no longer out in the field. You’re back is still going to hurt though. All that time as a retail merchandiser has put some wear on your bones. A comfy chair might make you feel a little bit better though. You’re responsible for sending and receiving communication about new displays, greeting cards, errors, annual meetings, new products – EVERYTHING. You’ll spend a majority of your time on the phone and in front of your computer.
Objectives: Charisma
Language: Currently only available in English!
Notes: No chance cards. No work uniform.
This is what I do in real life and I wanted this available for my Simself in game and maybe for others too! It’s somewhat between a part-time job and full-time – it’s all very flexible. Enjoy stocking those greeting cards!
Additional Credits:
Neia’s Create-A-Career Tool:
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