Parties and Weddings Anywhere Mod by claudiasharon at Mod The Sims

Mod The Sims – Mods / Traits : Parties and Weddings Anywhere Mod by claudiasharon Available for download at Mod The Sims Download

TS3 Bot Arena Career for TS4 by claudiasharon at Mod The Sims

Mod The Sims – Mods / Traits : TS3 Bot Arena Career for TS4 by claudiasharon Available for download at Mod The Sims Download

Faster/Slower/No Fame Decay

The Sims 4 MOD: Faster/Slower/No Fame Decay DOWNLOAD Hi everyone! Here are some new mods for you all. I worked hard on these and did a lot of testing, and success, they work! There are four mods total! claudiasharon_NoFameDecay->Fame never decays and Sims can stay at their current level or progress up but their level will never go down. claudiasharon_SlowerFameDecay_50%->Fame decays slower by 50% than default. claudiasharon_FasterFameDecay_x2->Fame decays 2 times faster than default. claudiasharon_FasterFameDecay_x4->Fame decays […]

Try for Baby in Larger Households

Try for Baby in Larger Households for The Sims 4 by claudiasharon Allows more Sims in a household and the ability to Try for Baby. ID: SC4-138489