
Kay’s Diner

CREATED BY deseraemb


SKU: SC4-375209-SBT Category: Tags: ,

Sims 4 Kay’s Diner

by deseraemb

Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use

Inspired by many classic American Diners, this build is a detailed representation of a 1950’s vintage style eatery. Complete with booths, checkered tile flooring, neon signs, a wrap around old fashioned bar, a large kitchen with two chef’s stations, jukebox machine, personalized vintage diner wear for employees and an all day breakfast and lunch menu with classics such as pancakes, eggs and toast and of course…hamburgers and fries.

Kay and Donald Tripp had a dream to own their very own American Diner. In 1938, after marrying young and impoverished, Kay and Donald sold their few assets, said goodbye to their families and moved to Willow Creek to begin a new life away from hardship.
After ten years of working as an economics professor at Britechester and watching the modern world become colorful and lively, Donald decided it was finally time that he and his wife followed their hearts…..right into the kitchen of their very own diner! With only their life savings in hand, Kay and Donald searched for the perfect location for their new adventure. After months of seeking they finally settled on one particular empty lot next to the new and bustling Movers and Shakers Gym. Slowly but surely, the diner was built in 1949. Made of chrome and neon lights, it would be seen from across town by all residents in Willow Creek.
As the years passed Kay’s Diner became a local hangout. With good prices, lively employees and a delicious menu. The diner was booming with business.
Kay and Donald now had one final dream unfulfilled….creating a family.
By ages 75 and 78, Kay and Donald had an extensive family of six children, 11 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. As old age approached, Kay had her heart set on handing down her prized Diner to her granddaughter Bella.
While settling into their new assisted living, Kay and Donald reminisced about the years spent in their beloved restaurant working hard, creating friendships, building business and establishing a strong connection to community and good food. The comfort in knowing that their esteemed diner was still in the hands of their family let them rest assured that their lives’ work had paid off.
Kay’s Diner is currently still open for business in Willow Creek, managed by the granddaughter of the original owners and displaying all of it’s vintage charm in the form of classic food, old fashioned music and quaint decor.

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