Lola Hair V3 (no bangs)

CREATED BY feralpoodles


SKU: SC4-353290-SBT Category: Tags: ,

Sims 4 Lola Hair V3 (no bangs)

by feralpoodles

Cute little loop double buns with no bangs!
This is the THIRD hair (right) in the preview, the second one (middle) came out yesterday, and the first one (left) came out the day before.

-63 swatches (18 EA colors + 45 Poodles)
-Hat/Accessory compatible
-Teen – Elder
-Custom Thumbnail

Filesize: 12 MB kB

Origin of Mesh: Edited EA mesh

Recoloring Allowed: Yes – Do not include mesh

Polycount Very High LOD: 5177

Polycount High LOD: 3869

Polycount Medium LOD: 2916

Polycount Low LOD: 1742

Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio

Available to download for free at The Sims Resource