The Sims 4 MOD: Higher Cost Aspiration Rewards from Store (based on Shimrod101’s Cheaper rewards)
Mod Description
I like to play my game on Long lifespans and with a little bit more difficulty. I searched for mods that make the aspiration rewards more expensive, but all I found was an older mod on here that made them cheaper:
Shimrod101’s “Cheap Aspiration Rewards”
I used his mod as the framework to make this one. Instead of making things cheaper, I decided to make things more expensive by doubling (2X) the cost of ALL aspiration rewards in the store. Now you have to work for those rewards and will make them feel less like cheating.
If anyone has reasonable requests for other quantities, I can try and accommodate those as well.
No known conflicts with other mods. Will conflict with mods that change the same XML resource.
Mod uses the following XML
whims.whims_tracker S4_03B33DDF_00000000_CEE9A466EBFC13D1.xml
Built with Game Version
Additional Credits:
S4PE, Shimrod101
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