The Sims 4 MOD: Buff Replacement Pack
I’m confused that acquiring a new partner isn’t that enjoyable when comparing to the joy from a nice conversation or hearing a joke.
I’m amused that sims forget how their spouse cheated on them in less than one day just like nothing happened.
I’m so tired of sims being sad for a long time after they mourn.
So here is the inspiration of this mod.
This is a pack of buffs’ weights and duration rewritten for different Lifespan and gaming styles.
I was editing death witnessed buffs but they are more complicated. So I’ve decided to upload versions without them first.
And more buffs will be added to the editing list if I find their weights or duration are illogical.
Feel free to give any suggestions.
Only put ONE version you want in your mod file.
The list of buff changing is down below:
Version A — Long Lifespan:
Designed for Long Lifespan or players who prefer stronger emotions towards life events.
BirthdayCake_Celebrate duration 240 4 hrs-> 2880 2 days, weight 1
GotEngaged duration 1440 1 day -> 7920 5.5 days, weight 3
GotDivorced duration 2880 2 days -> 10800 7.5 days, weight 4
Adoption 1440 duration 1 day ->4320 3 days, weight 3
EnemyWithBenefits duration 1380 23 hours -> 1872 1.3 days, weight 3->2
LoveInterest duration 1380 23 hours -> 2592 1.8 days, weight 3
DriftingLove duration 1380 23 hours -> 3600 2.5 days, weight 3->4
FlirtySpouce duration 1380 23 hours -> 3600 2.5 days, weight 3->4
UninterestedSoulmate duration 1380->3600 2.5 days, weight 2->3
CaughtWithAnother duration 1380->2880, weight 4->3
CaughtCheating duration 1380->4320 3 days, weight 3
CheatingDiscovered duration 1380 ->5760 4 days, weight 3->4
DoomedRelationship duration 1380 -> 4320 3 days, weight 3->4
TrueEnemy duration 1440 ->2880, weight 3
UnfaithfulLove duration 1380 -> 5040 3.5 days, weight 3->4
EvenMoreAwkward duration 1380 -> 5760 4 days, weight 3 ->4
Birthday_Bronze duration 240 4 hrs ->600 10hrs, weight 1
Birthday_Silver duration 240 4 hrs ->1200 20hrs, weight 2
Birthday_Gold duration 240 4 hrs ->2160 1.5 days, weight 3->2
NewEnemy duration 4 hrs 240->600 10hrs, weight 2
NewBFF duration 600 10hrs ->2160 1.5 days, weight 2
BrokeUp_Sad duration 600 10 hrs ->3600 2.5 days, weight 2->3
BrokeUp_Angry duration 600 10 hrs ->3600 2.5 days, weight 3
BrokeUp_Gloomy_Trait duration 600 10 hrs ->4320 3 days, weight 3->4
HadBaby duration 2 days ->5040 3.5 days, weight 3 enabled for teen
RenewVows_Cooldown duration 1440 1 day-> 5040 3.5 days
NewEnemy_Evil duration 360->720 12 hours, weight 2
Career_Fired duration 1440 -> 2880 2 days, weight 3
Career_Fired_Ambitious duration 1440 -> 3600 2.5, weight 5
ChildDivorce duration 240 ->3600 2.5 days, weight 1->2
Child_metNewSibling_Sad 240 duration 4hrs ->4320 3 days, weight 2->3
Child_metNewSibling_Angry 240 duration 4hrs ->4320 3 days, weight 2->3
Child_metNewSibling_Happy 240 duration 4hrs ->4320 3 days, weight 2->1
NewFriend duration 240->180, weight 1
NewPartner duration 480 8 hrs -> 3600 2.5 days, weight 2
UnwantedProposal duration 180 3hrs-> 720 12 hrs, weight 2
RejectedProposal duration 360 6 hrs -> 900 15 hrs, weight 4->3
GotWidow duration 2880-> 7920 5.5 days, weight 4->5
JealousLovedOne duration 1440 -> 4320 3 days, weight 2->3
NewGoodFriend duration 240->300
Urnstone_MournEnemy duration 240 ->360, weight 2->1
Urnstone_MournFriend duration 240->120, weight 2->1
Urnstone_MournNeutral duration 240->90, weight 2->1
FirstKiss duration 720-> 960 16 hrs, weight 2
PromiseRingsRejected duration 3660 -> 2880 2 days, weight 3->2
Woohoo_FirstTime duration 240 4 hrs -> 480 8 hrs, weight 2
Forgotten_Birthday duration 720 12 hrs -> 2160 1.5 days, weight 1
Relationship_HadWedding duration 2880 2 day -> 9360 6.5 days, weight 3
JealousLovedOne_Gloomy duration 1440 ->5040 3.5 days, weight 3->4
RejectedByLover duration 360->900 15 hours, weight 4->2
WitnessedRescuedNeglectedChild duration 1440 -> 5760, weight 4
Promised duration 1440-> 5040 3.5 days, weight 3->2
RenewedVows duration 2880 2 days -> 5760 4 days, weight 3->2
GotWidower duration 2880-> 7920 5.5 days, weight 4->5
Urnstone_MournLovedOne duration 240 ->150, weight 2->1
urnstone_MournFriend_dog duration 240->360, weight 2
Urnstone_MournNeutral_pet duration 240->120, weight 1
Version B —Normal Lifespan:
Designed for Normal Lifespan or players who prefer slightly stronger emotions towards life events.
BirthdayCake_Celebrate duration 240 4 hrs-> 2160 1.5 days, weight 1
GotEngaged duration 1440 1 day -> 6480 4.5 days, weight 3
GotDivorced duration 2880 2 days -> 7920 5.5 days, weight 4
Adoption 1440 duration 1 day ->3312 2.3 days, weight 3
EnemyWithBenefits duration 1380 23 hours -> 1200 20 hours, weight 3->2
LoveInterest duration 1380 23 hours -> 2160 1.5 days, weight 3
DriftingLove duration 1380 23 hours -> 2592 1.8 days, weight 3->4
FlirtySpouce duration 1380 23 hours -> 2880 2 days, weight 3->4
UninterestedSoulmate duration 1380->2160 1.5 days, weight 2->3
CaughtWithAnother duration 1380, weight 4->3
CaughtCheating duration 1380->2160 1.5 days, weight 3
CheatingDiscovered duration 1380 ->5040 3.5 days, weight 3->4
DoomedRelationship duration 1380 -> 3168 2.2 days, weight 3->4
TrueEnemy duration 1440 ->2880, weight 3
UnfaithfulLove duration 1380 -> 3600 2.5 days, weight 3->4
EvenMoreAwkward duration 1380 -> 3744 2.6 days, weight 3 ->4
Birthday_Bronze duration 240 4 hrs ->600 10hrs, weight 1
Birthday_Silver duration 240 4 hrs ->1200 20hrs, weight 2
Birthday_Gold duration 240 4 hrs ->2160 1.5 days, weight 3->2
NewEnemy duration 4 hrs 240->600 10hrs, weight 2
NewBFF duration 600 10hrs ->2160 1.5 days, weight 2
BrokeUp_Sad duration 600 10 hrs ->2880 2 days, weight 2->3
BrokeUp_Angry duration 600 10 hrs ->2880 2 days, weight 3
BrokeUp_Gloomy_Trait duration 600 10 hrs ->3456 2.4 days, weight 3->4
HadBaby duration 2 days ->3600 2.5 days, weight 3 enabled for teen
RenewVows_Cooldown duration 1440 1 day-> 3600 2.5 days
NewEnemy_Evil duration 360->720 12 hours, weight 2
Career_Fired duration 1440 -> 1728 1.2 days, weight 3
Career_Fired_Ambitious duration 1440 -> 2160 1.5, weight 5
ChildDivorce duration 240 ->2160 1.5 days, weight 1->2
Child_metNewSibling_Sad 240 duration 4hrs ->2880 2 days, weight 2->3
Child_metNewSibling_Angry 240 duration 4hrs ->2880 2 days, weight 2->3
Child_metNewSibling_Happy 240 duration 4hrs ->2880 2 days, weight 2->1
Relationship_NewFriend duration 240->180, weight 1
Relationship_NewPartner duration 480 8 hrs -> 2880 2 days, weight 2
UnwantedProposal duration 180 3hrs-> 600 10 hrs, weight 2
RejectedProposal duration 360 6 hrs -> 720 12 hrs, weight 4->3
Relationship_GotWidow duration 2880-> 6480 4.5 days, weight 4->5
JealousLovedOne duration 1440 -> 2880 2 days, weight 2->3
NewGoodFriend duration 240->300
Urnstone_MournEnemy duration 240 ->360, weight 2->1
Urnstone_MournFriend duration 240->120, weight 2->1
Urnstone_MournNeutral duration 240->90, weight 2->1
FirstKiss duration 720-> 960 16 hrs, weight 2
PromiseRingsRejected duration 3660 -> 2880 2 days, weight 3->2
Woohoo_FirstTime duration 240 4 hrs -> 480 8 hrs, weight 2
Forgotten_Birthday duration 720 12 hrs -> 1200 20 hrs, weight 1
Relationship_HadWedding duration 2880 2 day -> 7920 5.5 days, weight 3
JealousLovedOne_Gloomy duration 1440 ->3600 2.5 days, weight 3->4
RejectedByLover duration 360->660, weight 4->2
WitnessedRescuedNeglectedChild duration 1440 -> 4320, weight 4
Promised duration 1440-> 4320 3 days, weight 3->2
RenewedVows duration 2880 2 days -> 4320 3 days, weight 3->2
GotWidower duration 2880-> 6480 4.5 days, weight 4->5
Urnstone_MournLovedOne duration 240 ->150, weight 2->1
urnstone_MournFriend_dog duration 240->360, weight 2
Urnstone_MournNeutral_pet duration 240->120, weight 1
Version C — Short Lifespan:
Designed for Short Lifespan or players who prefer slightly lighter emotions towards life events.
This version has smaller duration compared to the other versions but it still has some increasing duration for events like being cheated on or marriage. Just to remind you.
BirthdayCake_Celebrate duration 240 4 hrs-> 1200 20 hrs, weight 1
GotEngaged duration 1440 1 day -> 2880 2 days, weight 3
GotDivorced duration 2880 2 days -> 3600 2.5 days, weight 4
Adoption 1440 duration 1 day ->2160 1.5 days, weight 3
_EnemyWithBenefits duration 1380 23 hours -> 1200 20 hours, weight 3->2
LoveInterest duration 1380 23 hours -> 1440 1 days, weight 3
DriftingLove duration 1380 23 hours -> 2160 1.5 days, weight 3->4
FlirtySpouce duration 1380 23 hours -> 2160 1.5 days, weight 3->4
UninterestedSoulmate duration 1380-> 2160 1.5 days, weight 2->3
CaughtWithAnother duration 1380, weight 4->3
CaughtCheating duration 1380-> 2160 1.5 days, weight 3
CheatingDiscovered duration 1380 ->2880 2 days, weight 3->4
DoomedRelationship duration 1380 -> 2160 1.5 days, weight 3->4
TrueEnemy duration 1440 ->1440, weight 3
UnfaithfulLove duration 1380 -> 2160 1.5 days, weight 3->4
EvenMoreAwkward duration 1380 -> 2160 1.5 days, weight 3 ->4
Birthday_Bronze duration 240 4 hrs ->360 6hrs, weight 1
Birthday_Silver duration 240 4 hrs ->600 10hrs, weight 2
Birthday_Gold duration 240 4 hrs ->840 14hrs, weight 3->2
NewEnemy duration 4 hrs 240->420 7hrs, weight 2
NewBFF duration 600 10hrs ->1200 20 hrs, weight 2
BrokeUp_Sad duration 600 10 hrs ->1440 1 days, weight 2->3
BrokeUp_Angry duration 600 10 hrs ->1440 1 days, weight 3
BrokeUp_Gloomy_Trait duration 600 10 hrs ->2160 1.5 days, weight 3->4
HadBaby duration 2880 2 days ->2160 1.5 days, weight 3 enabled for teen
RenewVows_Cooldown duration 1440 1 day-> 3600 2.5 days
NewEnemy_Evil duration 360->720 12 hours, weight 2
Career_Fired duration 1440 -> 1380 23 hours, weight 3
Career_Fired_Ambitious duration 1440 -> 1584, weight 5
ChildDivorce duration 240 ->1440 1 days, weight 1->2
Child_metNewSibling_Sad 240 duration 4hrs ->2160 1.5 days, weight 2->3
Child_metNewSibling_Angry 240 duration 4hrs ->2160 1.5 days, weight 2->3
Child_metNewSibling_Happy 240 duration 4hrs ->2160 1.5 days, weight 2->1
NewFriend duration 240->180, weight 1
NewPartner duration 480 8 hrs -> 1200 20 hrs, weight 2
UnwantedProposal duration 180 3hrs-> 420 7hrs, weight 2
RejectedProposal duration 360 6 hrs -> 480 8 hrs, weight 4->3
Relationship_GotWidow duration 2880-> 4320 3 days, weight 4->5
JealousLovedOne duration 1440 -> 2160 1.5 days, weight 2->3
NewGoodFriend duration 240->300
Urnstone_MournEnemy duration 240 ->360, weight 2->1
Urnstone_MournFriend duration 240->120, weight 2->1
Urnstone_MournNeutral duration 240->90, weight 2->1
FirstKiss duration 720-> 840 14 hrs, weight 2
PromiseRingsRejected duration 3660 -> 2160 1.5 days, weight 3->2
Woohoo_FirstTime duration 240 4 hrs -> 360 6 hrs, weight 2
Forgotten_Birthday duration 720 12 hrs -> 960 16 hrs, weight 1
Relationship_HadWedding duration 2880 2 day -> 4320 3 days, weight 3
JealousLovedOne_Gloomy duration 1440 ->2880 2 days, weight 3->4
RejectedByLover duration 360->660, weight 4->2
WitnessedRescuedNeglectedChild duration 1440 -> 2880, weight 4
Promised duration 1440-> 2160 1.5 days, weight 3->2
RenewedVows duration 2880 2 days -> 4320 3 days, weight 3->2
GotWidower duration 2880-> 4320 3 days, weight 4->5
Urnstone_MournLovedOne duration 240 ->150, weight 2->1
urnstone_MournFriend_dog duration 240->360, weight 2
Urnstone_MournNeutral_pet duration 240->120, weight 1
Version D — Super Long (Custom) Lifespan:
Designed for Long Custom Lifespan or players who prefer stronger emotions towards life events.
Buff changed:
BirthdayCake_Celebrate duration 240 4 hrs-> 2880 2 days, weight 1
GotEngaged duration 1440 1 day -> 10080 7 days, weight 3
GotDivorced duration 2880 2 days -> 12960 9 days, weight 4
Adoption 1440 duration 1 day ->6480 4.5 days, weight 3
EnemyWithBenefits duration 1380 23 hours -> 2880 2 days, weight 3->2
LoveInterest duration 1380 23 hours -> 4320 3 days, weight 3
DriftingLove duration 1380 23 hours -> 4320 3 days, weight 3->4
FlirtySpouce duration 1380 23 hours -> 4320 3 days, weight 3->4
UninterestedSoulmate duration 1380->4320 3 days, weight 2->3
CaughtWithAnother duration 1380->3600 2.5 days, weight 4->3
CaughtCheating duration 1380->5040 3.5 days, weight 3
CheatingDiscovered duration 1380 ->6480 4.5 days, weight 3->4
DoomedRelationship duration 1380 -> 5040 3.5 days, weight 3->4
TrueEnemy duration 1440 ->3600, weight 3
UnfaithfulLove duration 1380 -> 5760 4 days, weight 3->4
EvenMoreAwkward duration 1380 -> 6480 4.5 days, weight 3 ->4
Birthday_Bronze duration 240 4 hrs ->720 12hrs, weight 1
Birthday_Silver duration 240 4 hrs ->1440 24hrs, weight 2
Birthday_Gold duration 240 4 hrs ->2592 1.8 days, weight 3->2
NewEnemy duration 4 hrs 240->840 14hrs, weight 2
NewBFF duration 600 10hrs ->2160 1.5 days, weight 2
BrokeUp_Sad duration 600 10 hrs ->5760 4 days, weight 2->3
BrokeUp_Angry duration 600 10 hrs ->5040 3.5 days, weight 3
BrokeUp_Gloomy_Trait duration 600 10 hrs ->6480 4.5 days, weight 3->4
HadBaby duration 2 days ->7200 5 days, weight 3
RenewVows_Cooldown duration 1440 1 day-> 7920 5.5 days
NewEnemy_Evil duration 360->1080 18 hours, weight 2
Career_Fired duration 1440 -> 3600 2.5 days, weight 3
Career_Fired_Ambitious duration 1440 -> 3600 2.5, weight 5
ChildDivorce duration 240 ->5040 3.5 days, weight 1->2
Child_metNewSibling_Sad 240 duration 4hrs ->6480 4.5 days, weight 2->3
Child_metNewSibling_Angry 240 duration 4hrs ->6480 4.5 days, weight 2->3
Child_metNewSibling_Happy 240 duration 4hrs ->6480 4.5 days, weight 2->1
NewFriend duration 240->180, weight 1
NewPartner duration 480 8 hrs -> 5040 3.5 days, weight 2
UnwantedProposal duration 180 3hrs-> 1320 22 hrs, weight 2
RejectedProposal duration 360 6 hrs -> 1440 24 hrs, weight 4->3
GotWidow duration 2880-> 8640 6 days days, weight 4->5
JealousLovedOne duration 1440 -> 4320 3 days, weight 2->3
NewGoodFriend duration 240->360
Urnstone_MournEnemy duration 240 ->360, weight 2->1
Urnstone_MournFriend duration 240->120, weight 2->1
Urnstone_MournNeutral duration 240->90, weight 2->1
FirstKiss duration 720-> 960 16 hrs, weight 2
PromiseRingsRejected duration 3660 , weight 3->2
Woohoo_FirstTime duration 240 4 hrs -> 480 8 hrs, weight 2
Forgotten_Birthday duration 720 12 hrs -> 2160 1.5 days, weight 1
HadWedding duration 2880 2 day -> 11520 8 days, weight 3
JealousLovedOne_Gloomy duration 1440 ->5760 4 days, weight 3->4
RejectedByLover duration 360->1320 22 hours, weight 4->3
WitnessedRescuedNeglectedChild duration 1440 -> 5760, weight 4
Promised duration 1440-> 5040 3.5 days, weight 3->2
RenewedVows duration 2880 2 days -> 8640 6 days, weight 3->2
GotWidower duration 2880-> 8640 6 days, weight 4->5
Urnstone_MournLovedOne duration 240 ->150, weight 2->1
urnstone_MournFriend_dog duration 240->360, weight 2
Urnstone_MournNeutral_pet duration 240->120, weight 1
Tuning resources:
S4_6017E896_00000000_0000000000009C85_Buff_Adoption 1440
S4_6017E896_00000000_0000000000017D9C_buff_Child_metNewSibling_Sad 240
S4_6017E896_00000000_0000000000017D9E_buff_Child_metNewSibling_Angry 240
S4_6017E896_00000000_0000000000017D9F_buff_Child_metNewSibling_Happy 240
This mod is compatible with Have Some Personality Please!, Emotional Inertia, Variable Emotional Traits, Uncomfortable Overhaul, MC Command Center etc.
Known conflicts:
Any mod that modifies the same files listed above in Tuning Resources will likely conflict.
Additional Credits:
Sims 4 Studio, scumbumbo’s XML Extractor for The Sims 4
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