



SKU: SC3-99591-SBT Category:

The Sims 3 Dubai by Nilxis

Description: Replica of the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for the Sims 3.

Creator: Nilxis – See more worlds by Nilxis.

Stage: Complete

Custom Content: Yes

Populated: Yes

“I guess many of you don’t know it, but in 2011, when I still was learning how to use CAW, I started a huge project: a recreation of the city of Dubai. It was going well, but maybe it was too big for me so I lost the interest in continuing and I uploaded the files in case someone wanted to continue the project. Some time ago Ulises took the challenge: he has created many wonderful new buildings and has improved the city layout and many of the things I left. Today this world is finished so I’m proud and happy to share it with you.” – Nilxis

This world is only available in Spanish. Find out more and download at Nilxis Design’s Tumblr page.

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