
Al Medina



SKU: SC3-99023-SBT Category:

The Sims 3 Al Medina

Description:  Three cities of this desert pulsate with life; locals bustle through vibrant marketplaces, tourists luxuriate in Moroccan style, and the bravest of Sims venture through dangerous ancient structures hidden deep beneath endless dunes of sand.

Creator: Zach Bundy

Stage: Complete



Custom Content: None

Stuff Packs: None

Populated: Yes

“Al Medina, Morocco For centuries, merchants, adventurers, kings, and even plunderers have trekked and lived in the dusty antique region of Al Medina. Today, the three cities of this desert pulsate with life; locals bustle through vibrant marketplaces, tourists luxuriate in Moroccan style, and the bravest of Sims venture through dangerous ancient structures hidden deep beneath endless dunes of sand.”

This world is compatible with Seasons, but it is recommended that you turn off Hail, Snow and Fog as well as the Winter and Fall seasons (in the gameplay options menu) for a more authentic look.

Also, if you have the Island Paradise expansion installed, then you can download this modern hotel and resort from the exchange: The “Royal Palm Resort” replaces the larger of two beaches in the Foreign Quarter district.

This world is also compatible with the Traveler mod, as it has a large base camp located in the foreign quarter as well.

You can find out more at the Sims 3 Forum.

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