
Nightcrawler-Beanie for The Sims 4 Men’s Hairstyle by Nightcrawler_Sims S3 conversionTF/EF Smooth bone assignmentAll lods22 colors Works with hatsComes with custom thumbnailTransparency issues- none Do not forget to UPDATE your gameFor ppl having issues with hair in game check out this post I made on my tumblr account Credits: Anto and Shock and Shame for the texture,MK for his package, Sims4Studio,CASTools ID: SC4-100167


Nightcrawler-Honey for The Sims 4 Women’s Hairstyle by Nightcrawler_Sims NEW MESHTF/EFSmooth bone assignmentAll lodsCustom shadow22colorsWorks with hatsComes with custom thumbnailTransparency issues- Very little on the sides Do not forget to update your game, turn off laptop mode and put sims detail settings to very high 😉U can also check my graphic settings on the fallowing link for more help: Hope you like it and don’t forget to leave a comment :* Creator Notes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Do not […]


Nightcrawler-Timber for The Sims 4 Women’s Hairstyle by Nightcrawler_Sims NEW MESHTF/EF Smooth bone assignmentAll lods18 colors + 4 additional ombre colors Works with hatsComes with custom thumbnailTransparency issues- very little around roots Do not forget to update your game and turn off Laptop mod to enable transparency of hairPlease remember that tools we use for creating are still in testing so are our meshesRecolors allowed but please don’t include the mesh Hope u like it […]


Nightcrawler-Naomi for The Sims 4 Women’s Hairstyle by Nightcrawler_Sims NEW MESHTF/EFSmooth bone assignmentAll lodsCustom shadow22colorsWorks with hatsComes with custom thumbnailTransparency issues- Very little on the sides Do not forget to update your game, turn off laptop mode and put sims detail settings to very high 😉U can also check my graphic settings on the fallowing link for more help: Hope you like it and don’t forget to leave a comment :* Creator Notes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Do not […]


Nightcrawler_(c)AF_Hair19 for The Sims 4 Women’s Hairstyle by Nightcrawler_Sims S3 conversionTF/EF All lods18 colorsWorks with hatsComes with custom thumbnailNo transparency issues Do not forget to turn off Laptop mod to enable transparency of hairPlease remember that tools we use for creating are still in testing so are our meshesRecolors allowed but please don’t include the mesh Hope u like it 😉U can check the S3 version here: Credits: Anto for the texture,Sims4Studio,CASTools ID: SC4-100253


Nightcrawler-Edge for The Sims 4 Women’s Hairstyle by Nightcrawler_Sims NEW MESHTF/EF Smooth bone assignmentAll lods18 colors + 6 additional ombre colorsWorks with hatsComes with custom thumbnailTransparency issues- almost none Do not forget to UPDATE your gameFor ppl having issues with hair in game check out this post I made on my tumblr account Hope you like it and don’t forget to leave a comment :* Credits: Anto and Shock and Shame for the texture,Sims4Studio,CASTools ID: […]


Nightcrawler-Thunder for The Sims 4 Men’s Hairstyle by Nightcrawler_Sims NEW MESHTM/EMSmooth bone assignmentAll lodsCustom shadow22colors Works with hatsComes with custom thumbnailTransparency issues- none Do not forget to update your game, turn off laptop mode and put sims detail settings to very high 😉U can also check my graphic settings on the fallowing link for more help: Hope you like it and don’t forget to leave a comment :* Creator Notes Do not forget to update […]


Nightcrawler_(c)AF_Hair01 for The Sims 4 Women’s Hairstyle by Nightcrawler_Sims S3 conversionTF/EF Smooth bone assignmentAll lods18 colors + 6 additional ombre colorsWorks with hatsComes with custom thumbnailTransparency issues- none Do not forget to UPDATE your gameFor ppl having issues with hair in game check out this post I made on my tumblr account Credits: Anto and Shock and Shame for the texture,Sims4Studio,CASTools ID: SC4-100275


Nightcrawler_(c)AF_Hair27 for The Sims 4 Women’s Hairstyle by Nightcrawler_Sims S3 conversionTF/EF Smooth bone assignmentAll lods18 colors + 6 additional ombre colorsWorks with hatsComes with custom thumbnailTransparency issues- none Do not forget to UPDATE your gameFor ppl having issues with hair in game check out this post I made on my tumblr account Credits: Anto and Shock and Shame for the texture,Sims4Studio,CASTools ID: SC4-100283


Nightcrawler-Kimberly for The Sims 4 Women’s Hairstyle by Nightcrawler_Sims NEW MESHT/E Smooth bone assignmentAll lodsAmbient occlusion22colors + 5 ombre optionsWorks with hatsComes with custom thumbnailTransparency issues- very little Do not forget to update your game, turn off laptop mode and put sims detail settings to very high 😉U can also check my graphic settings on the fallowing link for more help: Hope you like it and don’t forget to leave a comment :* Creator Notes […]


Nightcrawler-G.U.Y. for The Sims 4 Women’s Hairstyle by Nightcrawler_Sims NEW MESHTF/EF Smooth bone assignmentAll lods18 colors Works with hatsComes with custom thumbnailTransparency issues- very little around roots Do not forget to update your game and turn off Laptop mod to enable transparency of hairPlease remember that tools we use for creating are still in testing so are our meshesRecolors allowed but please don’t include the mesh If hair appears blue try editing graphic settings Hope […]


Nightcrawler_(c)AF_Hair08 for The Sims 4 Women’s Hairstyle by Nightcrawler_Sims S3 conversionTF/EF Smooth bone assignmentAll lods18 colors + 5 additional ombre colorsWorks with hatsComes with custom thumbnailTransparency issues- none Do not forget to UPDATE your gameFor ppl having issues with hair in game check out this post I made on my tumblr account Recolors allowed but please don’t include the mesh Hope u like it 😉 Don’t forget to leave a comment Credits: Anto and Shock […]

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