Jazzalyn & Lunaria Mandigo are VTK Models with “The Petite Beast Of A Body Preset” who heard about the coming of Ferro.
So they came to Moonwood Mill with their own motives in mind.
Jazzalyn is charismatic, outgoing, a genius, and powerful spellcaster while her sister Lunaria is charismatic, genius, perceptive, and a powerful werewolf.
They both want to be good at many things at once and have successful lineages.
I removed the hot headed trait from Lunaria so she can get along better with most other Sims.
I also removed Greg’s trait from her, so now she walks with her feminine walk rather than Greg’s werewolf creep.
She still has Gregg’s werewolf power, so don’t get it twisted! 🙂
Besides, I hooked her up with FERRO, and now the two are in love. Lol!
I also disabled Lunaria’s super speed, but you can activate that at any time through her werewolf menu.
So, Lunaria is very powerful!
I don’t know of any other werewolves that are a match for her besides FERRO.
Lunaria uses items from Basegame & Get Together (EP02) and 16 CC items made by me.
So does her sister Jazzalyn come with 16 CC including The Petite Beast Of A Body Preset!
I’ve redesigned “The Moonwood Collective Cabin” and that is Jazzalyn & Lunaria’s new home and 5-Star restaurant!
I’ll have that posted for you all soon as well!
Oh, I almost forgot! I’m going to make Lunaria a new werewolf costume!
I hope you like the video! Enjoy The Mandigo Sisters and their CC!
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