
Magical Medieval Castle

CREATED BY susancho93


SKU: SC4-354031-SBT Category: Tags: ,

Sims 4 Magical Medieval Castle

by susancho93

A magical medieval castle has been lifted up to the heavenly skies. The kingdom’s greed has caused the castle to break apart. Will the castle remain together or will it be swallowed by a vortex forever. It’s up for the kingdom to change their hearts.

(Castle includes: Throne Room, library, bard stage, knight rooms and sword fighting station, kitchen, winery, medieval bunk-beds, cauldrons,and etc).

Revision: 2

Filesize: 383 KB kB

Value: 1538318

Furnished: Fully

Decorated: Throughout

Bedrooms: 6

Bathrooms: 4

Stories: 4

Lot Size: Other

Custom content: No CC used

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