CREATED BY wingssims


SKU: SC4-382261-SBT Category: Tags: ,

This item has been archived.

The Sims Catalog has saved a copy of this item in the Sims Cloud archive. We have done this to protect creations from being lost in the event that their host website is closed down. If the original download links above no longer work, you can still download an archived copy here:

Sims 4 WINGS-TZ0926

by wingssims

All lods
Compatible hats
Hope you like it!

Filesize: 19 MB kB

Origin of Mesh: Mesh completely made by myself

Recoloring Allowed: Yes – Do not include mesh

Polycount LOD 0 (highest): 21K

Polycount LOD 1: 9K

Polycount LOD 2: 3K

Polycount LOD 3 (lowest): 1K

Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio

Available to download for free at The Sims Resource