Fitness set

CREATED BY Syboulette


SKU: SC4-494592-SBT Category: Tags: ,

This is a set about active lifestyle ! For building a gym or create a fitness lifestyle at home, this collection will give you 22 new items, with 4 functionals and animated one. Machine equipment are usable but the rest is only clutter. I also included a simlish version of the fitness sign ! Hope you’ll like it !

  • Includes new items 22 items
  • Everything is basegame comaptible, except the functional yoga mat (which requires SPA DAY). You can find alternative non-functional basegame items of the mat as a rug or as a clutter rolled mat.
  • Everything is lowpoly EXCEPT the punching bag (6k-8k), the weight machine (8k) and the sport bag (5k)
  • Fitness sign has both english or simlish version.