Unicorn birthday set

CREATED BY Syboulette


SKU: SC4-517181-SBT Category: Tags: , ,

Today is my birthday ! 🎂

For the occasion I wanted to make something special for birthday parties, and as I already made generic one last year, I was looking this time for something cooler. Like unicorns 🦄

This new set contains everything to organize the best party ever ! The cake is functional and edible ! You can summon it by right clicking on the cake box , which will generate a ready-to-eat cake in its inventory. This is a mod by Ravasheen, as always the queen of all modders, who also helped me making the cake edible. Huge thaks to her ! Everything else is decor, the welcome sign has a simlish version, and most items are available in 6 to 8 pastel swatches. Hope you’ll like it !


  • Includes 19 new items
  • Everything is basegame compatible
  • Everything is lowpoly except the cake (6k)
  • Welcome sign is available in simlish.
  • The cake is summonable with the cake box, but I also included a decor version.