Goldis bathroom

CREATED BY jomsims


SKU: SC4-102014 Category: Tags: ,

Goldis bathroom for The Sims 4

by jomsims

here for your sims. Goldis bathroom modern.
round bathtub. the sims touch litle when he go to bath. shower. misc deco table with wheel. 2 sink, left and rigth. 1 shelf deco for sinks. deco semi round for bathtub.
misc deco shelf with ball metal deco. misc deco towels rail. misc deco towels 2. 1 ceiling light metal.
a new modern corner and confortable..
Happy simming.
i use my set in game sims 4.
i creat my set with TSR workshop.
i use pralinesims walls and floors. thank you. link in credit

Creator Notes

round bathtub. the sims touch litle when he go to bath.
i use pralinesims walls and floors. thank you. link in credit


ID: SC4-102014