Gothic Kinda Sweater Top – Cool Kitchen needed


SKU: SC4-127848 Category: Tags: , ,

The Sims 4 Gothic Kinda Sweater Top – Cool Kitchen needed (Mesh)

by MidnightFrostLover

This is my first recolor, so plz be nice to me I tried my best. ^^ It came out ok.
The ones wearing them are Jack Frost (Sorry Jack! XD) and Sora Zoura (Yes she is the form of a that Pokemon who turn into human. Somebody on SimsAmino challenge me to make that pokemon into human that was request by Amelia the 4th child ). I just need to say one thing that Jack looks manly in that LOL I just want to show you that men can wear them too. I made this top for more dark colors that day I made Sora it was the right top for her. Then I added extra 3 more colors to it.
This top I try to make as gothic as I can kinda :/
This top has 4 recolors witch you will see.

On Sora, The Hair come from on here,The eye shadow come from here,The Choker come from here and I think Jack’s recolor hair come here (not sure on that one.) Jack’s Pants come from on another site (It pretty easy to find just type in Jack frost clothes for the sims 4). I am sorry I can’t remember the names of the people who made them.

Used- Paint.NET & Gimp2 for recoloring
Used- Sims4Studio

Creator Notes

You’ll need The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff, to use this recolor item. This recolor is by itself you will see both Cool Kitchen Top (With a lot of bright colors) and you will also see the recolor top next to it. It really easy to find.

Credits: Eyes By-Pralinesims [The eye color is on Sora]

  • Recolor or New: Recolor
  • Type: Tops
  • Recoloring Allowed: No
  • Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio

  • ID: SC4-127848

    Category Tags: Clothing , Fashion , Women’s Sweater , Everyday , Female , Adult