Joanna Rings Set



SKU: SC4-547845-SBT Category: Tags: , ,

Sims 4 Joanna Rings Set

by feyona

Created for: The Sims 4

Joanna Rings Set is a set of zigzag and plain rings that comes in 5 colors of metal: yellow, dark yellow, rose and white and black-plated

* Located in the rings (right middle finger)
* 5 swatches
* Base game compatible, feminine style choices, disallowed for random.
* HQ textures/ HQ settings compatible
* Custom thumbnails
* Properly tagged color swatches

Filesize: 281 KB kB

Recoloring Allowed: See TOU on my profile page

Polycount LOD 0 (highest): 2704

Polycount LOD 1: 1072

Polycount LOD 2: 548

Polycount LOD 3 (lowest): 356

Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio