Longer Make Out Sessions & Intimacies

Longer Make Out Sessions & Intimacies for The Sims 4 Create by zcrush Available at Mod The Sims Extends the length of many romantic interaction animations ID: SC4-180262

Invite Into Home Longer

Invite Into Home Longer for The Sims 4 Create by zcrush Available at Mod The Sims Invite Sims to Hangout at Current Lot longer ID: SC4-180389

No Auto Sleep Unless Necessary

No Auto Sleep Unless Necessary for The Sims 4 Create by zcrush Available at Mod The Sims Sims won’t sleep unless necessary ID: SC4-180400

No Autonomous Kiss

No Autonomous Kiss for The Sims 4 Create by zcrush Available at Mod The Sims Romantic Sims will no longer autonomously kiss each other ID: SC4-180476

Black & White Party Fix

Black & White Party Fix for The Sims 4 Create by zcrush Available at Mod The Sims Black & White Party Fix – Sims Listen to the Piano at the Same Time ID: SC4-180482