The Sims 4 Leather Jacket + Short Dress (Mesh) by filo40002 Frankenmesh 01: Short Dress + Leather Jacket This is a combination of two meshes, a base game lingerie dress plus a cool leather jacket from get together. For everyday or party situations. Full body outfit under the category short dress. Mesh included. Hairs:–vampire-gp-needed/id/1366865/ Creator Notes Requires: Get Together Type: Outfits Recoloring Allowed: Yes Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio ID: SC4-113040 Category Tags: Clothing […]
The Sims 4 Scattered Diamonds Green Black Reflection Dress (Mesh) by filo40002 Based off the photographic image Scattered Diamonds, taken by Jaxson Pohlman. This is a composite image of two separate nights of shooting. The tree line in this image was shot on location in Oregon while the night sky was captured with a single 20 second exposure near Wichita, Kansas. Creator Notes Requires: Base Credits: Jaxson Pohlman Recolor or New: New Item Type: […]
White Hair Recolor 11: Luxury Party Style for The Sims 4 Women’s Hairstyle by filo40002 I like white hair, so welcome to my ongoing series where I take the game content’s grey hair, pop it into photoshop, turn the the brightness all the way up, and turn the contrast all the way down. Creator Notes Requires: Luxury Party ID: SC4-128676
The Sims 4 City Living Galaxy Dress (Mesh) by filo40002 I love the galaxy craze. Another dress based off the photography of Jaxson Pohlman. This photo of the White Sands National Monument can be found on Pohlam’s instagram here: Creator Notes Requires: City Living Credits: Jaxson Pohlman Type: Outfits Recoloring Allowed: Yes Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio ID: SC4-128955 Category Tags: Clothing , Fashion , Women’s Dress , Everyday , Female , Adult
Framed Toddler Irreligious Easter Wall Art for The Sims 4 by filo40002 It’s Easter! Frame your kids art work on the wall, this one’s not religious at all Creator Notes Requires: Base ID: SC4-128963
The Sims 4 80s Rad Skirt – cool kitchen required (Mesh) by filo40002 The 80s ruled. The 80s birthed everything great we have today. Arnold Schwarzenegger defined action movies and the super bad-ass with Conan the Barbarian, The Terminator, Predator and more. Brooke Shields, Cindy Crawford, Iman and others created the whole idea of supermodels as we know it. Eddie Murphey, the first ‘rock-star’ comedian, has influenced every single young black comedian to come after […]
White Hair Recolor 1: Vampire Style – Vampire GP needed for The Sims 4 Women’s Hairstyle by filo40002 I like white hair, so welcome to my ongoing series where I take the game content’s grey hair, pop it into photoshop, turn the the brightness all the way up, and turn the contrast all the way down. Also, I forgot to get a picture of it, but this comes in three rose recolors: red, pink, and […]
The Sims 4 Spa Day Sweater Solo Cup Jazz Pattern (Mesh) by filo40002 Solo Cup Jazz Pattern Creator Notes Requires: Spa Day Type: Tops Recoloring Allowed: Yes Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio ID: SC4-129679 Category Tags: Clothing , Fashion , Women’s Sweater , Everyday , Female , Adult
The Sims 4 Vaporwave Short Dress (Mesh) by filo40002 Everybody likes vaporwave right? Here, have a nice vaporwave dress for your sim. Creator Notes Requires Base Game Credits: the original artist of the image Recolor or New: Recolor Type: Outfits Recoloring Allowed: Yes Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio ID: SC4-131617 Category Tags: Clothing , Fashion , Women’s Dress , Everyday , Female , Adult
The Sims 4 King of the Hill No Sexism t-shirt – Perfect Patio needed (Mesh) by filo40002 Is sexism bad? You better believe it is, and now you can let everybody else know it too with this ‘No Sexism’ featured on King of the Hill. Creator Notes Requires: Perfect Patio Credits: King of the Hill Recolor or New: New Item Type: Tops Recoloring Allowed: Yes Creating Tool used: TSR Workshop ID: SC4-131766 Category Tags: Clothing […]
The Sims 4 Mac’s T-Shirts – Backyard stuff (Mesh) by filo40002 Dress your local sheriff of of the downtown bar with 4 t-shirts with the sleeves ripped off, designs blatantly stolen from the show, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Creator Notes Requires: Backyard Stuff Credits: Rob McElhenney Type: Tops Recoloring Allowed: Yes Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio ID: SC4-131830 Category Tags: Clothing , Fashion , Men’s Dress , Everyday , Male , Adult
White Hair Recolor 15: Base Game Style for The Sims 4 Women’s Hairstyle by filo40002 I like white hair, so welcome to my ongoing series where I take the game content’s grey hair, pop it into photoshop, turn the the brightness all the way up, and turn the contrast all the way down. Creator Notes Requires: Base Game ID: SC4-132160